Welcome to Graphics by Morvia

Terms Of Use

I put a lot of work into making these sets, so I feel that I need to set up some rules. If you are interested in using any of my sets, I would appreciate it if you would follow these simple guidelines.

  1. You must download all of the images to your own hard drive and upload them to your own server. To download an image, you need to right click on the image and choose save image as. Please DO NOT link to this server.
  2. Please DO NOT alter my sets in ANY WAY. This includes (but is not limited to) color changes, resizing, and customizing.
  3. Please DO NOT include my sets in any other archive or collection or attempt to pass them off as your own.
  4. If you decide to use my creations on your site, please give me credit.  Please use the matching logo that is included with each set and place it on the SAME page and EVERY page which you are using the graphics.  Please have the logo link back to my site at https://members.tripod.com/~Morvia/.
  5. Please send me an email if you decide to use any of my sets. I love to see how people use them and will also add you to my users list.
  6. Although not a requirement, it sure would be nice if you would sign my guestbook.

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Email Morvia2@yahoo.com